7 tracks, 67 min.
Published worldwide by Manish Vyas © and ℗ 2018

1. Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha
2. Brahmānandam
3. Sri Rām Jaya Rām
4. Asato Mā Sadgamaya
5. Mangalam
6. Om Ghrini Suryāy Namaha
7. Jaya Govinda Hare
MANGALAM is a word in Sanskrit which means 'auspicious' and this quality is reflected in these selected pieces of the finest Indian music, invoking inner and outer auspiciousness.
Beautifully composed Indian raga-based melodies that softly accompany each song, without disturbing the magic of its true essence and natural healing power.
Recorded with the most refined musicians from India, this album is a call to the most auspicious, using mantras, kirtans, and other devotional songs that subtly call such mighty vibrations, connecting with uplifting and sattvic energies. Soulful, heart-touching, harmonizing sounds from a mystical India… capable of touching the soul and bringing positive energy to ourselves and our surroundings.
“Mangalam” auspicious in Sanskrit, is the name given by the Indian musician Manish Vyas to his newest CD. In fact, the mantras, kirtans, and religious songs are a balm for the soul and lead to an absolutely relaxed atmosphere. Together with well-known Indian musicians, the musician, who now lives in Switzerland, has recorded seven songs that echo all that is considered auspicious in India: deities, days to marry, rain, peacocks, drums or rivers.
Based on these traditions these soulful melodies emerged, which are based on the structure of classical Indian music and spread a positive energy. Accordingly, the songs fit very well into a cozy yoga class or as a nice way to slow down after an exhausting day and go back to your own self.
Karin Reber, Yoga! Das Magazin, Switzerland
OM GAM GANAPATAYE NAMAHA - Lord Ganesha is the master of wisdom and knowledge. He is the remover of obstacles and guardian of beauty, prosperity, grace and compassion. Lord Ganesha is the first deity to be reverenced in hindu rites. He is a guardian of doors of houses and temples. He is the God that removes the internal and external obstacles to success, and he is the one that grants the opening of your spiritual gifts. He is also the protector of all beings. It is recommended to chant or sing the mantra for 40 days during a spiritual practice at the same time every day.
BRAHMĀNANDAM - Brahma refers to the creator. Ananda refers to the blissfulness or ecstasy of the creator. This is a Mantra from Guru Gita, chanted in praise of the Guru who removes darkness from our hearts & takes us to the infinite self.
SHREE RĀM JAYA RĀM - a mantra to Lord Rama and his beloved Goddess Sita. In the tradition, Raam (or Rama) is considered the 'marayada purushottam' - the perfect man - and Sita, his consort, the perfect example of womanhood. Both exemplify the heights of perfection a human being can achieve. He is the embodiment of virtuousness and committed adherence to dharma, or correct action. Goddess Sita embodies surrender and absolute devotion. ”Jaya” is a cry of victory to these positive characteristics within us. When we recite the mantra, we get purity of mind and word. This prepares us for meditation. As a result of the healing sound vibrations, different patterns of the mind rearrange themselves to become tranquil.
ASATO MĀ SADGAMAYA - Lead us from the unreal to the real, lead us from darkness to light, lead us from death to immortality, Om peace, peace, peace. It is a true prayer—the seeker’s admission of his sense of limitedness and his heartfelt cry for assistance in transcendence. It is not a prayer for the things of the world. It is not a pray for food, shelter, health, partnership, riches, success, fame, glory or even for heaven. One who recites this mantra has realized that such things are full of holes, and will forever leave him unsatisfied. When speaking about the ultimate reality, Sages say it is of the nature of sat-cit-ananda: pure existence, pure consciousness and pure bliss.
MANGALAM - Mangalam means all-auspicious. Mangalam Bhagawaan Vishnu... All auspiciousness to Lord Vishnu, all auspiciousness to one who has Garuda as his flag, all auspiciousness to one who has eyes like the lotus flowers, and auspiciousness to Hari. Lord Vishnu’s role is to preserve the creation and restore order to the world. Tolerance, gentleness, and patience are the hallmark of Vishnu’s personality. He is seen as being the divine arbitrator of all disputes, whether involving gods or humans. He ensures peace by interceding on behalf of others.
OM GHRINI SURYĀY NAMAHA - a mantra which is auspicious for pleasing the Lord Surya or Sun. It gives unlimited glory, strength and success in accomplishing all tasks. It should be recited in the morning and in addition to that Arghya (water) should also be offered to Lord Sun to make the day complete and positive.
JAYA GOVINDAA HARE - No music, no dance, no art form, no kirtan, no temple, no spiritual gathering, no worship in India is complete without remembering Krishna, the lord with the flute. A man with a 360 degree vision to life! Creator of one of the finest wisdom this world has ever known, The Bhagwad Geeta. He was the embodiment of bliss. In his company everyone rejoiced, forgetting everything else. In his presence they tasted the bliss of the Self. Even now, after all this time, just the mere thought of him fills us with bliss. This song, in an authentic kirtan style, celebrates the bliss and blessings of Krishna.

titles lyrics
for new beginnings
. . .
Vakratunda Mahaakaya
Suryakoti Samaprabha
Nirvighnam Kurumedeva
Sarvakaaryeshu Sarvada
Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha
for wisdom
. . .
Brahmaanandam Parasukhadam
Kevlam Gyaanmurtim
Dwandwateetam Gagana Sadrisham
Tatvamasyaadee Lakshyam
Ekam Nityam Vimalam Achalam
Sarvadhee Saakshee Bhootam
Bhaavaateetam Trigunarahitam
Sadguru Tam Namaami
for energy purification
. . .
for light and truth
. . .
Asato Maa Sadgamaya
Tamaso Maa Jyotirgamaya
Mrityormaa Amritam Gamaya
for fruitful relationships
. . .
Mangalam Bhagawaan Vishnu
Mangalam Garudedhwajaa
Mangalam Pundarikaaksho
Mangalaaya Tanohari
for strength and determination
. . .
true kirtan flavour
. . .
Naraayana Naarayana
Jaya Govindaa Hare
Naaraayana Naaraayana
Jaya Gopaalaa Hare
Govinda Jaya Jaya Govinda
Gopaala Jaya Jaya Gopaala
Govinda Jaya Jaya Govinda
Hare Hare
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
When you utter a sound, a form is being created. There is a whole science of using sounds in a particular way so that it creates the right kind of form. We can create powerful forms by uttering sounds in certain arrangements. This is known as the Nada Yoga, the yoga of sound.
MANTRAS relate to the Divine in various names, forms and functions. The symbolism of Deities (such as Shiva, Lakshmi, Ganesha) is to provide us with an intimate and personal connection with the Divine and our higher Self. A mantra is connected to the energy of the deity, like Lakshmi for wealth, Kali for strength, etc. and they are addressed to the deity in order to bring that energy and grace into our lives.
WHEN WE SAY THESE MANTRAS, it is best to look at them as a vehicle for communion with the Deity - as a kind prayer - not as a power to manipulate for personal ends.
NATURALLY, if we are calling upon the Divine with mantra, we must do so with the right attitude, intention and action. Treat any mantra with devotion and it will give you back the rewards of Divine Love.
RITUALS are also a wonderful accompanying gesture to mantras. For example, to further empower the above Surya mantra, it can be chanted while pouring water from the vessel, at the time of sunrise. Once the vessel is empty, touch the place on the ground where you poured the water, with your fingers, and then raise your fingers to your forehead. Wet your fingers once again with the water on the ground and this time touch your eyes. Repeat the process and touch your throat this time. With this the ritual is complete. While leaving the place, avoid stepping on the place where you poured water, to maintain the sanctity of the ritual.
Here comes the soundtrack for the start of the New Year: Mangalam, the new mantra collection of the richly-blessed-with-talents Indian musician, Manish Vyas. The round begins with an invocation of Ganesha, the elephant-head God of knowledge and wisdom, who acts as guardian of the new beginnings. It’s followed by hymns to Brahma and Ram and his companion Sita. After a heartfelt prayer to be guided from darkness to light, the foundation for the title song has been set: Mangalam stands for the desire for a promising new beginning under the blessings of Lord Vishnu.
As always with Manish Vyas, his CD impresses with plenty of substance and we can be sure that he intones these sacred sounds as they were received by the Rishis millennia ago. On this depends the effectiveness of a mantra. Manish's velvety voice, his inviting melodies and the use of a West-Eastern instrumentation make his music extremely accessible and to take immediately. The swiss-german mantra for it: guets Neus! (Good News!) M. frischknecht
SPUREN MAGAZINE 12.2018 (Switzerland)
"Thank you for sharing your wisdom on the role of music in spiritual journey. Each of your album validates your purpose to enable the listeners to get deeper engagement in meditation or reflection. Thank you. Narayana Vidmahe will be my all time numero uno track. I have heard lots of songs in this genre, but none of them will ever match the class and melody as your Narayana Vidhmahe composition does...thank you." M, Sanjeev
O Lord, may our ears listen to nothing but auspicious words, may our eyes see nothing but auspicious things, may we have healthy bodies and be blessed with long life. Rig Veda
MANTRA works like a tool: you apply it rightly and it may work, You apply it wrongly it doesn't work. Understanding the right 'energization' of each mantra is key.